Madhalasa Iyer

neuroscience & creative writing @ princeton 

Peering upon the shoulders of giants who write to set things right, I've learned that voicing our opinions can lead to change. I've always been fascinated with words and how they have the potential to transform lives

Hello! My name is Madhalasa Iyer and I'm currently a sophomore at Princeton University

I'm passionate about many things: writing till I've used up all my pens, wearing out the pages of books, dancing in the rain and dreaming with my eyes open. I choose gratitude over entitlement and I'm more than grateful for the opportunities and the constant support I'm blessed with. In the future, I hope to live in a society where equality isn't a question, where we are all fluent in the language of compassion, and where healthcare is a right and not a privilege. In that same world, I aim to call myself a contributor and a citizen.